
sign of a good cook

I can sure tell that I am feeling better and getting out of my first trimester, and this is why. In all my education at BYU they tell you that being an efficient and good cook is based on other things besides cooking the actual food.

Some of those things are:

  • planning your meal out and making time plans in advance
  • getting out all the ingredients out before you start cooking
  • washing your dishes as you go through your preparation
  • not serving your meals out of the pans you have cooked in

I actually had the energy to do this yesterday… and the day before yesterday, in fact. I have been able to plan out the meals instead of waiting for my hubby to get home and then pilfering our empty fridge (trying not to purchase groceries before our vacation to Colorado) for the dinner supplies. I also have FINALLY been able to keep up with my dishes. We don’t have a dishwasher and it showed for the past three months… but it seems she is back in working order - wish I was paid for that job :)

Do you do these things? When you feel nasty or tired, what is the first thing that drops off your list? Mine?--- not serving out of the pans I cook in!

Here’s to good cooking!!!

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