
first project in a while

I have been so busy! my hubby and I are doing house/apt shopping, financial planning, career planning, and so much more right now and I just feel like my world is a whirl wind. plus, I am starting to get so tired so fast! yesterday I had to lay down twice during the day to have enough energy to get projects done… and alas, I didn’t get anything done. or at least it feels that way.

today, I was determined to get something done that wasn’t a must… sadly, this has been on my to-do list for over a month. my daughter’s baby doll stroller has looked like this for the past two or three months-


pretty naked and pathetic if you ask me.

so today I whipped out my machine and pulled out another cover for this stroller… I think it turned out so great! I would love to do another one but do it “fancy nancy” style with “accessories” as she would say. but here are the results-


when I woke up A from her nap and showed the seat to her… she started meowing like a kitty really fast and high pitched. I asked her what that meant and she said, “it means the kitty is so happy and cited thatit is finally fixed!”

I think I got the best deal of them all… three kisses for payment.

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